DDHS Class of 1981

If you have never received an email related to reunion events, we would like to know your contact information. We will not share it anywhere. Please email: ddhsclassof81@gmail.com

Together Again 2021
Reuniting to Create New Memories
Our Reunion Recap page has pictures, videos, and memories of a our great 40th get together. Enjoy!

latest news

2021 Death Notices

The DDHS Class of 1981 had an amazing turnout for our 40th class reunion during the weekend of September 18th. Over 40 were in attendance for the Friday nigh Fishfry at the Duck In and over 70 for the reunion at the Yacht Club, with many more joining the celebration following dinner. Thank you to all that attended and for making this a most memorable event. Check out the pictures on the Reunion page.

The Alumni Scholarship for 2021 was awarded to DDHS Senior John Moses. Many thanks to our classmates who generously donated to make this a huge success. We are happy to announce the scholarship is fully funded for the next three years. We will now pass the torch to all other DDHS Alumni classes to keep the momentum going. See the Alumni Scholarship page for more information about the program and how you can donate to make a difference.

"May the winds in Heaven blow gently and whisper in your ear, how much we love and miss you and wish you were still here."
Please visit the Memorial Page for the full list of classmates that have passed before us.

Bradley W. Grabow, age 58, of Delavan passed away on Friday, August 27, 2021 at home. He was born in Elkhorn on March 25, 1963 to Ronald and Billie June (Schultz) Grabow. Brad graduated from DDHS in 1981. He attended UW-Madison on a football scholarship and was a 3 year lettermen playing outside linebacker for the Badgers. He graduated from UW-Madison in 1985 with a Degree in Physical Education. Brad was united in marriage to Joni Cali on August 26, 1990 in Fontana. He was the owner operator of State Farm Insurance in Delavan for many years. Brad coached football at DDHS and with the Delavan Red Devils.
John W. Jones, age 58, of Genoa City passed away on Friday, April 23, 2021 at home. He was born in Elkhorn on February 23, 1963. He graduated from Delavan-Darien High School in 1981. John was united in marriage to Sandra Huschka on September 6, 1986. He worked at Swiss Tech and then started J4 Machining in Elkhorn. John was a member of Calvary Community Church.

Do you have a favorite past time, hobby or small business you would like us to feature in this section. Perhaps you would like to share your travels, gardening paitings or woodworking. Drop us a line and let us know what impassions you
A few years ago, Greg Scott started a YouTube channel and appropriately named it Wisconsin Greg. Greg's subscribers literally span around the globe and tune into his short documentaries that highlight Delavan and its surrounding communities. Greg often shares his experience farming, hiking, painting and anything else he has going on. Followers get a glimpse of what it is like to live in small town America.